About Wilma

I’ve always had a compulsive drive to create.
From early childhood growing up in Curaçao, my island of origin, I would make cups, saucers and figurines with the mud that resulted from the seasonal rain.
Emigrating to New Zealand, the need arose to make items for myself, including clothes, shoes and handbags.
It was at Intermediate school I had the opportunity to come across clay and have it fired.
I was torn between fabric and design, and ceramics.
A chance meeting with an apprentice potter from USA, who wanted to buy from me a tapestry of a village design that I transposed from clay to fabric, led me to further possibilities with clay.
In 1974 New Zealand, pottery was held in high esteem, and I decided to follow that route. It was the prestigious ‘in thing’, edgy, along with the post hippie era, tie dyed clothing, macramé and ‘groovy’ stuff.
Being self-taught, I followed my own path, rather than fulfill the requirements of being an apprentice, and did not dare call myself a potter, let alone a ceramicist.
Having gone through a life cycle in this field, re-inventing myself every 5-7 years I’m now focused on my houses, New Zealand native birds, and the occasional flutter of some new idea, alongside the workshops I host in my studio.
New work is now developing for the future phase, it’s a never-ending evolvement.
Willemein Jennings

WJE Potter’s Mark
My work is easily distinguished with my potter’s mark, stamped on the underside of every piece I’ve created since I began my journey as a potter.