Monday 5th June, 2023
I’ve been a ceramic artist all my life, and within that field re-invented myself every 5 – 7 years. Defining who I am, my life’s purpose is to create. I started off by calling myself a potter. I made pots on the wheel, but my real passion was wall art. I would imagine a painting and give it a 3D dimension.
It took me 20 years to discover I was a sculptor.
I’m used to living on the edge, sometimes falling off. My failures have been the best teachers, only second to great mentors.
I love being around like-minded people, and I’m now hosting boutique teaching classes, and workshops with a theme, to show others how to unpack their talent, to make ‘cool stuff’ for themselves. I love assisting and showing that complete beginners can have a result that looks like it’s come out of a gallery.